Erasmus+ project Interception completion


The implementation phase of the Erasmus+ project Interception has officially been completed, marking the conclusion of its operations. Erasmus+ project Interception was about strengthening social inclusion through inclusive entrepreneurship. Partners in project consortium were Entrepreneurship Movement Club EMC from Slovenia, Slovenian Australian Academic Association from Australia, Media Sapiens Network CIO from United Kingdom, Institute for Policy research and analysis from Lithuania, Emporah Plt from Malaysia and Act Global from Indonesia.

Project Interception addressed social-excluded youth especially those that are highly protentional to become NEET (not in employment, education or training) or those that are already NEET. Based on Eurostat info 13.1 % of the 15–29-year-olds in the EU in 2021 were NEET (neither in employment nor in education and training).

Erasmus+ project Interception raised awareness about the importance of inclusive entrepreneurship for socially excluded and NEET youth, as well as provided the main outcome of the project – web portal The web portal provides free listing for NGOs and other organizations that provides inclusive entrepreneurship for young people. The portal helps to find these NGOs and organizations easier and faster. Web portal also servers as a platform that encourages similar organizations and NGOs to work on new projects about inclusive entrepreneurship.

The background of the project was that social excluded youth is under-represented and disadvantaged in entrepreneurship. Increasing entrepreneurship among them, as well as improving the quality of their business start-ups, represents an opportunity to increase their social inclusion as well as participating in the labor market and boost economic growth. Social excluded youth typically face greater barriers to business creation than the mainstream population. Challenges include a lack of entrepreneurship skills, difficulty in accessing finance for business start-up, difficulties navigating the regulatory framework, a fear of failure and a lack of confidence.

Business creation by under-represented and disadvantaged groups as social excluded youth helps create jobs and fight social and financial exclusion, while stimulating economic growth across the economy. While entrepreneurship plays an important role in stimulating innovation and driving job creation, only a relatively small part of the youth is involved in starting a business, and not all of them have the same opportunities to create and run a business. The objective of inclusive entrepreneurship is to ensure that all young people have an opportunity to start up and operate in business or self-employment, regardless of their personal characteristics and background. Entrepreneurship offers an opportunity for social-excluded youth to be more active members of society, increasing their self-confidence and building their local community.

More project info is available at: