EMC on 2nd meeting for SEC project in Ireland

At the beginning of November 2018, EMC has been visiting Cork, Ireland, for a transnational meeting for the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project...

twInception in Ptuj, Slovenia

twInception is a successive project of the Inception in Latvia (2017), Inception 2.0 in Slovenia (2017) and Inception 3 in Latvia (2018). It involves...

Entreception project manual

After the project Entreception, its team has put together all the basic methods that can be used by youth workers and formal...

Inception 3 in Latvia

In the end of June happened Erasmus+ project Inception 3. EMC Club has been actively involved in the design and leading the project. The...

EMC presented Erasmus+ at primary school Cirkulane-Zavrč

Many youngsters don’t know that there are great opportunities for them in the field of non-formal education, like Erasmus+. Here at EMC we find...

EMC on 3nd meeting for SEC project in Greece

In the first half of September 2019, EMC has been visiting Crete in Greece, , for a transnational meeting for the Erasmus+...

Inception 3 follow-up in Ptuj, Slovenia

Inception 3 follow-up Erasmus+ project, organized by Latvian Biedriba IDEA and Slovenian EMC - Entrepreneurship Movement Club has started in Ptuj, Slovenia (August 24th-27th...

EMC is discovering Armenian startups achievements

EMC was partner in an Erasmus+ project where 30 European young activists and students from 9 partner organizations from Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus,...

Manual Inception 2.0 published

Manual Inception2.0 is experienced in Ptuj, Slovenia during the training course Inception 2.0. It is a manual created by project team to share coaching...

Inception follow-up in Slovenia

The follow-up meeting of Erasmus+ project happend in June in Zavrč, Haloze region in Slovenia. It was the second step of training course Inception...